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  I sit outside in the cool of the Florida morning, sipping my coffee and remembering. Flipping through my journal from the past year. I see His hand weaving my story together in a healing way that only He could have done. Recalling, remembering, and recounting His faithfulness throughout my journey of pain and betrayal.  I slept past my alarms to wake up before the children to read. I fell asleep early when I had planned to read. I didn’t get a moment of quiet the day before, and I could have woken up ungrateful because I didn’t get my “list” checked off. The past week each time I had sat down to read and study Gods word, I sensed a door shutting in my spirit. I tried to read but didn’t get far and was feeling defeated. I couldn’t discern why until I felt His gentleness and heard His voice clearly; asking me to close His word and simply “ remember ”. He was okay with me not being in the word for a couple days. He was okay with me not setting strict times to pray.  He was okay with me

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